Google to start warning users on slow sites?.

Google is reportedly testing a red “slow” label that appears within search results, warning users of slower websites.

The labels have appeared on selected search engine result pages (SERPs). The move is designed to punish websites that are designed without user experience in mind.

When Search Engine Land quizzed it on the experiment, Google simply said it was “always experimenting”.

The labels are reminiscent of when it tested the flagging up of sites offering poor mobile experience, before it went live in January.

With the speed in which these experiments are trialled before being unveiled on public SERPs, now is the time to ensure your website is optimised accordingly.

A digital need for speed

News has also surfaced that record breaking 5G connection speeds have been achieved during testing at the University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC).

It is said to be capable of delivering up to 50Gbps (Gigabits per second) compared to the average 15Mbps (Megabits per second) connection 4G currently offers.

Professor Rahim Tafazolli of 5GIC said they wanted to be the “first in the world to show such high speeds” and eventually it will “enable new technologies that would just not be possible with 4G”.

Although the testing only took place over a short distance in private laboratories, it’s a technological breakthrough that should excite, especially as Ofgem has offered their support and called for the industry to discuss how it manages its development.

With the impending introduction of Google’s flagging system, and continual improvements to mobile connectivity, improving the loading times of your website should be a priority.

theEword’s testing and development service improves your website’s visibility and helps it stand out, giving users the best possible browsing experience.

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